Reignite your passions and dreams, and return to your soul’s calling. Be rejuvenated in a space of inspired creativity and leave with a beautiful keepsake that will keep your goals and dreams alive all year.
(Full day: 5 hours) Offered as a private group session and once a year in January.
The process of setting forth our goals, desires and dreams with deep resonance and purposeful intention, and attaching images to them which we can see and be reminded of regularly, is inexplicably powerful to the subconscious mind. And to making them reality.
Because of the profound impact of the vision boarding process, I have been leading afternoon New Year vision-boarding workshops in my home annually since 2010, and hosted my first retreat last year which ended up selling out with a wait list.
It is such a fabulous afternoon of connection, creativity and fun, that it has become one of my favorite days of the entire year – My weekend retreat was created after numerous requests from women who attended the Inspired Vision Board Workshop.