Going a bit deeper

I’ve heard that if you weren’t miserable in your teens, you didn’t do them right and need to go back.
Well, if that’s true, I did them right!

I know…
  • the heavy teenage struggle with depression and deep unhappiness
  • the desire to fit in so badly, that we stifle our voice and sacrifice our own authenticity
  • the paralysis and heaviness of living in fear and uncertainty
  • the suffocating, throat-closing-in, heart-twisting hardship of deep loss, illness and grief
  • the life-sucking suffering of shame
  • the insanity of feeling out of control with food, and the darkness and loneliness of poor body image and low confidence
  • the passions and pressures of leading a business
  • the drive of excellence and pursuit of passions, that can lead to burn out
Rebecca in pink shirt and sweater
And I know the power of love.

Although my life has been blessed in many ways, and I’ve experienced joys and incredible achievements, I’ve also struggled. A lot.

I’ve been to my own depths, felt beaten and broken at a soul level, and watched loved ones suffer deeply.

And I’ve spent much of my life living from fear, I’ve made poor decisions and have sabotaged myself in countless ways. 

But each time I’ve been rocked to the depths of despair, I’ve risen back up, gaining wisdom, perspective and tools.

Experiences that led me to wish for death over life, and then later for life over illness cultivated great strengths, character, courage and confidence.

They taught me precious lessons in asking for (and accepting) help, reclaiming my power, taking charge of my own healing, and most importantly: learning to love my body and myself fully.

i believe…

That travelling through the darker side of fear, failure, struggle and even suffering can offer some of life’s greatest lessons.

When we decide to be stronger than our circumstances, we can rise, find meaning, and grow our capacity for courage, compassion, forgiveness and love.

So although suffering may be an important part of the story, it’s not ‘the’ story.

We are NOT here to suffer.

YOU are not here to suffer.

Yet, all too often we are.


Our suffering may show up as tragedy and grief, but it can also show up as the hamster wheel of busy-ness and excessive doing – habits that dampen our aliveness; and belief patterns that trap us, hold us back and burn us out.

These patterns of sabotage and suffering aren’t necessary, yet are all too common for passionate, driven, action-oriented leaders as we aim to rise higher, lead better, and serve more strongly.

In this striving, it’s easy to distract our efforts, and dilute our effectiveness and impact.

This is where the power of coaching, the focus, the tough questions, the support, and the strategic conversations are invaluable.

Taking time for contemplation

Imagine a beautiful sanctuary. Maybe it’s a field of wild flowers, a sandy beach, a mossy rainforest, or a rushing waterfall.

Maybe it’s a clawfoot tub filled with lavender bubbles floating on a cloud in a gold and coral sky. (It doesn’t need to make any sense and definitely doesn’t need to fit reality.)

Close your eyes and fill it with the sights, sounds, smells and textures that captivate and calm you.

(Seriously, close your eyes and take a few moments here.)

Imagine sunlight filtering in. Take a few deep breaths, enjoying the essence and energy of this safe, sacred – even magical – space.

It’s here that I’d love to meet you, and dive into a soul-deep conversation about what you long for, what drives you, where you find meaning, what brings you joy, what makes you feel vulnerable, what drives you to your edge, and how to draw from your well of strengths and courage to live the authentic, meaningful and potential-rich life you’re longing for.

Connect with me here.


image of Rebecca Garland

Bridge the gap. 

Let your soul ROAR!

Empower Your Performance.



Dip into nature, be pampered and nourished, and create a vision board to anchor into your passions and soul’s calling for the year.


Mastery Life Coaching

Shift patterns and awaken passion, freedom of being and lightness of spirit. RISE up and meet your calling.



Forget dieting, counting calories, depriving yourself, over-exercising, and struggling alone. Instead, nourish yourself from the inside out.



Strong bodies give us the vitality and freedom to be at our best, radiant and alive. Build your best self and say good-bye to diets forever.