
Nourish yourself from the inside out


Nourish yourself from the inside out

It’s time to nourish yourself

  • Are you seeing the scale slowly creep upward with no answer in sight?
  • Are you tired of the frustration of trying time and time again but FAILING to lose the weight for good?
  • Do you cringe when you see yourself in photos, or catch a glimpse of yourself naked in the mirror?

If you’re done with diets and ready to move better, feel better, look better, and live more fully, I may have something delightful for you…

Whether you’re a health-conscious foodie looking for more options, a diet-wannabe who feels out of control with food, a past athlete who’s lifestyle (and body) has ‘mysteriously’ changed, or a fast-food addict who wants to drop some weight without feeling deprived, I’ve got options for you!




To lean up, exercise won’t cut it.

In fact, research (and my personal experience) shows that physical activity alone – without changing food habits – is very limited in influencing weight loss.

Studies suggest combining fitness training with nutrition is three to 10 times more effective than fitness training alone.

“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food.”
– Hippocrates

Through delectable foods, I invite you to:

  • Reclaim your health while discovering the secret pleasures of nourishing and vitality-enhancing foods.
  • Build a solid foundation for your body to thrive.
  • Release your fear and judgement about yourself, your body and food, and heal the negative cycles of guilt and shame that hold destructive habits in place.
  • Get lasting results once and for all – and feel great doing it.

Think energy, lightness of being, scrumptious flavours, laughter and love.

When it comes to nutrition change, knowing better isn’t enough. And doing better isn’t as easy as it sounds.

For a great majority of otherwise very successful men and women, the struggle is very real – and it used to be for me as well.

In fact, in university I was 30lbs heavier than I am now, so know how challenging taking it off – and keeping it off – can be.

Here’s what I want you to know: you’re not alone; nothing’s wrong with you or your body, and there are better – easier – strategies.


If you’re really, like REALLY ready to release the struggle, the body shame and the insanity with food, let’s connect, and together get you moving forward with a plan you can feel great about and a body you can love.


Precision Nutrition

We work with your body type, your goals and your lifestyle. But we always start and end with love. I’m thrilled to offer the Precision Nutrition ProCoach body transformation program – a comprehensive, fully-supported online habit change nutrition program…  [READ MORE…]

Nourish Recipe Book

One of my greatest joys is sharing delicious, nutritious and vitalizing food with loved ones. When I host friends for dinner, just as important as the flavors is how they’ll feel when they leave my home. I want them to feel nourished, light and happy…  [READ MORE…]


The strategies I learned with Rebecca have literally changed my life. I participated in both the 1-1 coaching and her 28-day Nourish Challenge. The coaching was highly personalized and tailored very specifically to my life. The clean-eating challenge boosted my energy levels and brought about significant weight loss. Together, the coaching and nutrition challenge helped me achieve balance and overcome the worst symptoms of depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, giving me my life back.
Mandy G


image of Rebecca Garland

Bridge the gap. 

Let your soul ROAR!

Empower Your Performance.



Dip into nature, be pampered and nourished, and create a vision board to anchor into your passions and soul’s calling for the year.


Mastery Life Coaching

Shift patterns and awaken passion, freedom of being and lightness of spirit. RISE up and meet your calling.



Forget dieting, counting calories, depriving yourself, over-exercising, and struggling alone. Instead, nourish yourself from the inside out.



Strong bodies give us the vitality and freedom to be at our best, radiant and alive. Build your best self and say good-bye to diets forever.