Why We Scroll, Binge, and Numb (Even When We Know Better)

Why We Scroll, Binge, and Numb (Even When We Know Better)

Discover the surprising link between midlife symptoms and nutritional deficiencies. Addressing common deficiencies like Vitamin D, iron, and B vitamins can transform your energy levels and overall well-being. We shed light on often overlooked aspects of midlife health and wellness. Stay tuned for Part 2 for more essential insights.

Habit Change: break those nasty habits once and for all! (part 4 of 5)

Habit Change: break those nasty habits once and for all! (part 4 of 5)

The science on habit change tells us that that’s pretty much us: we’re the microorganisms, and our environment is the Petri dish. The above may sound more silly than insightful, but all too often, intelligent people try to thrive in nutrition-deficient Petri dishes. Just as failure to thrive in a Petri dish is less about the mircoorganism than the culture, the same is true for us. So, let’s refocus on you now…