Habit change isn’t easy, but specific strategies can certainly make them easier. Research shows that when we make the desired-habit easier to do than not, we raise our rates for successful, long-term habit change dramatically. As obvious as this may sound however, this is not what people tend to do. In fact, most do the exact opposite!
The science on habit change tells us that that’s pretty much us: we’re the microorganisms, and our environment is the Petri dish. The above may sound more silly than insightful, but all too often, intelligent people try to thrive in nutrition-deficient Petri dishes. Just as failure to thrive in a Petri dish is less about the mircoorganism than the culture, the same is true for us. So, let’s refocus on you now…
Whether you’re training for sport, are a physician or entrepreneur edging burnout, this is for you. “Rest and recovery are critical to optimal health and performance. They are also some of the most implementable, yet overlooked strategies. ” Rest vs....
Do you ever fall into the New Years reso trap? Or perhaps you’ve had so much experience that you no longer write those nasty things? Either way, you likely have an area of your life that you’d like more competence, joy, peace or flow with. And you likely have deeper desires for your life that you’re not fully in touch with. Here’s where a Personal Manifesto can really turn up your personal power. It carries the power to remove what’s standing in your way and open flow in a way that no to-do list or action plan can touch.
As we know, goals are incredibly important for realizing success. When done properly, they provide direction, focus and motivation. And for best results, we are often taught to set S.M.A.R.T. goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and within a time-frame....