by Rebecca Garland | Dec 4, 2019 | coaching, Fitness, habit change, health
Habit change isn’t easy, but specific strategies can certainly make them easier. Research shows that when we make the desired-habit easier to do than not, we raise our rates for successful, long-term habit change dramatically. As obvious as this may sound however, this is not what people tend to do. In fact, most do the exact opposite!
by Rebecca Garland | Nov 7, 2019 | coaching, habit change, health, nutrition
The science on habit change tells us that that’s pretty much us: we’re the microorganisms, and our environment is the Petri dish. The above may sound more silly than insightful, but all too often, intelligent people try to thrive in nutrition-deficient Petri dishes. Just as failure to thrive in a Petri dish is less about the mircoorganism than the culture, the same is true for us. So, let’s refocus on you now…
by Rebecca Garland | Nov 4, 2018 | coaching, habit change, health
Inability to establish strong doctor-patient relationships as physicians did in the past, is revealing itself to be a main factor of physician burn-out today. Enhancing the physician-patient relationships within our current health care system isn’t easy at the individual physician level, but possibilities still exist.